Manojit Sinha


Sinha Manojit M.D. works as the Clinical Lead and Consultant in Pain Medicine at King’s College Hospital. He has undertaken acute pain sessions, Chronic pain clinics, Intervention lists, Pain education sessions and MDT meetings. In his professional carrier He always  seeks the opportunity to enhance his teaching and educational development skills to teach medical students, international graduates, trainees undertaking Pain modules and Advanced Pain trainees.

He is an expert in interventional pain procedures under ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance. It includes facet joint injections, medial branch blocks, sacroiliac joint injections, nerve root injections, epidurals, sympathetic blocks, peripheral nerve blocks, joint injections and radiofrequency treatment procedures.

His expertise is in managing complex spine and interventional procedures. He is promoting multidisciplinary team involvement to manage complex chronic pain cases.

Dr. Sinha has worked on 19 healthcare quality improvement projects and has been a member of many research groups and projects.