Danielle Mazetto Cadide M.D. is a member of the Brazilian Board of Anesthesiologist -TEA, Brazilian Board of Pain Medicine -AMB, Fellowship In Pain Interventionism, Ribeirao Preto Medicine Faculty of the University of Sao Paolo – FMRP-USP, Ribeirao Preto-SP.
She has a specialization in Pain interventions using Fluroscopy and Ultrasound. She worked at Harvard Medical School. She has dedicated her professional career to the treatment of children with chronic pain. She also worked in the Pediatric Pain Clinic , Sick Kids Hospital -Toronto, Canada. Dr Cadide is the holder of a TMS certificate, International Clinic TMS Diplomado in Palliative Care in Pediatric , ALCP. Master Class in Pediatric Pain.
Danielle Mazetto Cadide M.D. is the coordinator of Pediatric Pain Postgraduate – SinPain and also coordinator of Pediatric Pain and Pediatric Palliative Care Postgraduate – Albert Einstein Hospital. Danielle Mazetto Cadide M.D. is member of the Pain Intervention Committee, , -SBED. Chairman of the Pediatric Pain Committee-SBED and Chairman of the Pediatric Intervention Committee -SOBRAMID.
Danielle Mazetto Cadide M.D. is Reviewer of the Brazilian Journal of Pain