ADVANCES IN PAIN THERAPY – Interventional Pain Academy cadaveric workshop

  • 19th and 20th April 2024
  • 25 participants per day / 19 Faculty members
  • Delegate faculty ratio – 4:1 

On the 19th and 20th of April a one-day course was held twice consecutively at the premises of NANO Medical GmbH located in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.


            Our hands-on cadaver workshop was designed to focus on having a small number of participants to permit maximum opportunity for a personal experience from which the educational goals are achieved. The workshop was held by experienced faculty who presented anatomy, patient selection, product application and technical guidance.  The workshop format  included lectures, interactive Q&A, hands-on experience.

The highest quality of education has been confirmed by the endorsement of the World Institute of Pain, one of the world’s leading authorities in the education of physicians involved in the treatment of chronic pain.         


            The aim of this course was to provide fulfilling information and all the possibilities that pain medicine today provides for the management of patients with chronic pain. The correct diagnosis and appropriate therapeutic selection are the keys to the success of treatment achieved.

            These courses were designed for pain physicians or pain medicine fellows in training (pain specialists, anesthesiologists, neurosurgeons), interested in the practice of pain management, who seek the latest developments in interventional techniques, also seeking introduction or review of proven interventional techniques. 

            The courses served to introduce new ways of work, consolidate previously acquired knowledge and teach new procedures to improve the professional capacity of the physician.

            The aim was that after completing the course the doctors would be able to integrate multiple aspects of ultrasound and fluoroscopy in interventional pain management in treating their patients better patient outcomes.

            This 1-day hands on cadaver course promoted a better understanding of the anatomy and pathophysiology involved in chronic pain, and critically reviewed novel state- of-the-art interventional techniques for management of chronic pain. 

            Each cadaver station was limited to a maximum of 4 participants. C-arms, ultrasonography and state-of-the-art equipment were utilized in this course.


            The faculty comprised of internationally renowned experts in the field of interventional techniques. The chairman of the courses was Robert Rapcan, MD, FIPP, MBA, PhD. the founder of the Interventional Pain Academy. 

            The speakers were experts in their fields of specialization. The representation of 11 faculty members with FIPP titles also greatly enhanced the quality of teaching.


  • Ashish Shetty MD, MBBS, FRCA, ECFMG, FFPMRCA
  • Michal Matias MD, FIPP
  • Juraj Mlaka MD, FIPP, EDRA
  • Manojit Sinha MD, MBBS, DA, MRCA, FCAI, FFMRCA
  • Ladislav Kocan MD, FIPP, PhD.
  • Michal Adam MD, FIPP
  • Peter Lences MD, FIPP
  • Lubomir Poliak MD, FIPP
  • Martin Griger MD, FIPP, DESA
  • Matej Prokopovic MD
  • Robert Tirpak MD, FIPP
  • Lubos Dusek MD
  • Jan Farkas MD, FIPP
  • Sudhir Diwan MD, DABIPP, FIPP
  • Hakan Alfredson Prof, MD, PhD.
  • Arun Bhaskar MD, FIPP


            Sudhir Diwan MD, DABIPP, FIPP was the first to present on the topic of Basivertebral Nerve Denervation.  Dr. Sudhir Diwan, nationally and internationally recognized as a key opinion leader in the field of pain management, is the President of Advanced Spine on Park Avenue, New York and Associate Clinical Professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York. Thanks to Alieva Biotec company, this treatment is now available to patients in Europe. We are proud to say that EuroPainClinics clinics were the first in Slovakia and the Czech Republic to introduce this new treatment into clinical practice.

            This was followed by a presentation by Robert Tirpak MD,FIPP, entitled SI and Facet Joint Denervation. In his lecture he briefly presented his experience from his daily clinical practice. Dr. Robert Tirpak is the first doctor in the Czech Republic to hold the prestigious international medical certification FIPP (Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice).

            Next up was a representative from England, Professor Ashish Shetty MD, MBBS, FRCA, ECFMG, FFPMRCA, who gave a talk on Restorative Neurostimulation – ReActiv8®. Dr. Shetty gave a comprehensive overview on the innovative ReActiv8® peripheral nerve neurostimulator provided by Mainstey Medical company for the workshop. His talk was a great success, as evidenced by the great enthusiasm at the station where attendees could try out this application in practice.

            This was followed by a lecture delivered by Robert Rapcan MD, FIPP, MBA, PhD, entitled ‘Endoscopic discectomy from A to Z’. The lecture presented the procedure in detail, with the speaker being one of the world’s leading specialists in the field, having performed over 5000 operations.

            The final lecture of the series was delivered by Professor Håkan Alfredson MD, PhD, on the subject of Achilles and patellar tendon disorders. Professor Alfredson has been treating patients with sports injuries for over 30 years, including numerous world-renowned athletes. He is regarded as one of the world’s leading consultants specializing in the treatment of chronic tendon pain. Professor Alfredson has worked at the Pure Sports Medicine Clinic in London and has operated at Princess Grace Hospital. He currently maintains his own clinics: the Alfredson Tendon Clinic at the Capio Otho Center Hyllie in Malmö, Sweden, and a clinic at the AMS Centro Medico del Ejercicio in Malaga, Spain. Professor Alfredson has published 190 scientific articles.


  • Basivertebral nerve denervation – Dr. Sudhir Diwan
  • SI and Facet joint denervation – Dr. Robert Tirpak 
  • Endoscopic discectomy from A to Z – Dr. Robert Rapcan
  • ReActiv8® Restorative Neurostimulation – Dr. Ashish Shetty
  • Achilles & patellar tendon disorders – Dr. Håkan Alfrendson


            The first part of the course was devoted to theoretical studies, with lectures. This was followed by the practical part. Over the course of two days, we had the privilege of welcoming 49 participants from all over the globe, including Germany, England, Iceland, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, USA, Poland, Austria, and France.

            The course participants were divided into groups and had six workstations at their disposal. Two experienced instructors were on hand to offer guidance and support at each station.

            One of the stations that generated the most interest was the workplace, where for the first time in Europe there was the possibility to try in practice denervation of the basivertebral nerve. The work at this station was led by instructors Dr. Sudhir Diwan and Dr. Michal Matias, who is also the medical director of EuroPainClinics for the Czech Republic.

            At other stations, participants were able to gain some practical experience of procedures such as: Endoscopic Discectomy, J@blation and facet joint cryo denervation, ReActiv8® – Restorative Neurostimulation, SI joint denervation –  with combination of endoscopy and cryotherapy, 7StarScope station combined with Achilles and patellar tendon ultrasound examination with the guidance of Professor Håkan Alfredson.

            Upon the successful completion of the course, all participants and instructors were presented with certificates of completion by the esteemed chairman of the workshop Dr. Rapcan.


            We would like to express our gratitude to all those who participated in our course with great enthusiasm, as well as to all the instructors who were so generous in sharing their knowledge with such dedication.    

            We would also like to extend our gratitude to our esteemed partners Alieva Biotec, EuroPainClinics, MaxMoreSpine, Lumibird Medical group, Mainstay Medical, Metrum Cryoflex and NANO Medical laboratories, without whom the organisation of the workshop would not have been possible. They kindly provided us with their state-of-the-art equipment for practical training, which was greatly appreciated.